Russian Parliament to elect PM

MOSCOW: President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday he wanted to give parliament the power to choose Russia’s prime minister along with other responsibilities, but said he would like to keep Russia’s strong presidential system in place. The comments, at Putin’s state of the nation address, come as observers watch for clues as to how he might reform the political system before 2024 when his current presidential term ends and the constitution requires him to step down. MeanWhile, Russia’s government unexpectedly resigned on Wednesday after President Vladimir Putin proposed sweeping constitutional changes that could allow him to extend his rule. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said he was stepping down to give Putin room to carry out the changes, which, if implemented, would shift power to parliament and the prime minister – and might thus allow Putin, 67, to rule on in another capacity after his current term ends in 2024. Medvedev, a long-time Putin ally and former president, announced his resignation on state TV sitting next to Putin, who thanked him for his work. – Agencies