Xi ask Myanmar to renew old ties

NAY PYI TAW: Chinese President Xi Jinping said he looks forward to renewing China’s “pauk-phaw” (fraternal) ties with Myanmar in a signed articled published Thursday on Myanmese newspapers. Xi said it gives him great pleasure to pay a state visit to Myanmar on Friday and Saturday at the invitation of Myanmar’s President U Win Myint, and he looks forward to renewing pauk-phaw ties with Myanmar and discussing the future cooperation between the two countries during the visit, according to the article titled “Writing a New Chapter in Our Millennia-Old Pauk-Phaw Friendship.” In the article, the Chinese president recalled the long history of exchanges and friendship between the two countries. “Our relationship has been marked by mutual trust, mutual respect and mutual support. It has become a prime example of equality, win-win cooperation and common development between countries of different sizes,” Xi said. Since the two countries established diplomatic ties 70 years ago, China and Myanmar have further cemented political mutual trust, expanded bilateral practical cooperation and strengthened peopleto-people bonds, Xi said. “As we mark the 70th anniversary of our diplomatic relations, it is important that we carry forward our traditional friendship and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, so that we will bring ChinaMyanmar relations into a new era,” Xi said. To reach the goal, Xi put forward four proposals to promote bilateral ties and cooperation in various areas. Firstly, he proposed that the two countries draw a new blueprint for bilateral ties by strengthening strategic communication. “It is important that we continue to show strong mutual support on issues concerning each other’s core interests,” Xi said. “China supports Myanmar in advancing the peace and reconciliation process through political dialogue. The two sides may work together to ensure peace and stability along our border,” Xi added. The second is to bring new impetus to the two sides’ mutually beneficial cooperation by deepening trade and economic exchanges. “Efforts need to be made to promote the three pillars of the CMEC (the ChinaMyanmar Economic Corridor), namely the Kyaukpyu Special Economic Zone, the China-Myanmar Border Economic Cooperation Zone and the New Yangon City,” Xi said. The third is to add new substance to the “pauk-phaw” friendship by scaling up exchanges and mutual learning. – The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item