Yang Jiechi seeks political solution of Libyan issue

BERLIN: Chinese President Xi Jinping’s special envoy Yang Jiechi reiterated that political solution is the only way for the Libyan issue, expecting a new beginning to address the issue after the Berlin Conference on Libya. Yang, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, made the remarks at a press briefing after he attended the Berlin Conference on Libya held. Yang said the conflicts and division in Libya have lasted for nine years and has become a miniature of the situation in West Asia and North Africa region, as not only have the Libyan people suffering miseries, but also the security and stability of the neighboring countries and the whole region have been impacted. The Libyan issue has been spilling over, leading to weapon proliferation, refugees, terrorism and other problems that put serious challenges to the neighboring countries and regions and even the whole world, added Yang. China has been paying close attention to the situation in Libya and appreciates the international community’s constructive actions to cool down the situation in recent days. Yang said the Berlin Conference on Libya is a key event. The presence of many heads of state and government as well as the UN secretary-general showed the great importance that the international community attaches to the political solution for the Libyan issue. “I attended the conference as Chinese President Xi Jinping’s special envoy. I contacted the participants extensively and actively persuaded for peace and negotiations,” said Yang. Yang said at the conference that effort to address the Libyan issue should focus on the fundamental interests of the Libyan people and the future and destiny of the North African country. All parties concerned should restart dialogue and reconciliation as soon as possible, he added. – The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item