Premier committed to save taxpayes’ money, says Zartaj

ISLAMABAD: Though being Prime Minister,Imran Khan was entitled to reside in Prime Minister house but he preferred to live in own house to save taxpayers’ money, Minister of State for Climate Change Zartaj Gul Wazir said on Thursday. Talking to a private news channel, she said Prime Minister saved the nation’s hard earned money as he refused to live in Prime Minister house and did not hire a squad of servants to serve him and chose to live like any other common citizen. “I kept visiting my local constituency on every weekend to stay in touch with local people and try my utmost to address their issues as this is the fundamental right of my voters to inform me of their woes and needs”she said. After PPP, Shehbaz Sharif as Chief Minister looted hefty amount of money by launching mega projects which dented the national exchequer,the challenges which were built up in last 70 years could not be resolved in a short period of time, she remarked. Sardar Usman Buzdar had initiated many programs for the welfare of masses as he established hospitals for child and mother care, health card would be given to every deserving person even handicapped and transgenders would be included in the list which was not witnessed in last 40 years, she said. Prime Minister Imran Khan and Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar both were determined to bring reforms in Punjab police to provide safety to the masses as it was their basic right, she mentioned. PTI had brought the real change by introducing positive reforms throughout the country unlikely PML-N as Shehbaz governance was limited to Lahore only, she said.