Pets get better care in holidays

WUHAN: When millions of Chinese returned to hometowns for family reunions during the Spring Festival, Hu Xuemeng had to part briefly from her furry family member — Wangcai the corgi.
When the 34-year-old programmer departed from central China’s Hubei Province to her home in the eastern province of Shandong on Jan. 17, she had to leave behind her pet dog, as one of her relatives is allergic. “The Spring Festival used to be the saddest time for me. In the past, I could only leave Wangcai at home with enough food and water,” said Hu, adding that when she came come home after the week-long holiday, she would find excrement on the floor and the furniture chewed.
But this year, to Hu’s relief, a newly-opened pet store in her neighborhood took care of Wangcai. At the “Cute Pet Helper,” the 8-year-old dog enjoyed the treatment of a retiree, with nutrient-supplemented meals and daily video calls from Hu, as well as a bath with rose essential oil, during the holiday. The one-week stay cost 1,220 yuan (about 176 U.S. dollars), while Hu paid over 2,000 yuan, about one-sixth of her monthly income, to enrich Wangcai’s holiday with extra snacks, health care products and toys. – The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item