Xi orders fight against Coronavirus outbreak

BEIJING: A new hospital built in just ten days in a Chinese city hit hardest by the novel coronavirus outbreak will soon start operation.
Approved by Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xi Jinping, 1,400 medical staff from the armed forces is tasked with treating patients in the 1,000-bed Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan starting from Monday.
This is the latest development in the Chinese people’s critical battle against the novel coronavirus outbreak, with the number of cumulative confirmed cases on the Chinese mainland reaching 14,380 by the end of Saturday. Commanding this fight is President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.
Under Xi’s leadership, China has taken unprecedented measures to contain the outbreak, pooling national medical personnel and supplies to the hardest hit regions, building new hospitals, extending the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday, postponing the opening dates for schools and businesses, and imposing travel restrictions.
The nation is currently experiencing a peak period of confirmed cases. With prevention and control measures in place, the number of future infections will be significantly reduced, said Li Lanjuan, a renowned Chinese epidemiologist. World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said China’s measures are not only protecting its people, but also protecting the people in the whole world. President Xi’s personal guidance and deployment show his great leadership capability, Tedros said.
Over the past few weeks, Xi has called multiple meetings, heard reports and made important instructions on the prevention and control work.
The message is crystal clear: people always come first. Before the Chinese Lunar New Year, as the epidemic spread, Xi ordered resolute efforts to curb the spread, stressing people’s lives and health as the top priority.
On Jan. 25, the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, Xi chaired a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. He reiterated putting people’s lives and health as the top priority and ordered Party committees and governments at all levels to take novel coronavirus outbreak prevention and control as the most important task. On Jan. 27, in an instruction to Party organizations, members and officials, Xi asked them to keep in mind that the people’s interests are the highest priority in the current arduous battle. Xi said in an instruction to the military that the epidemic prevention and control remained grim and complex and demanded the armed forces shoulder their responsibility, fight the hard battle and actively assist local authorities in fighting the epidemic. – The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item