FataliFatality rate of virus drops: Officialty rate of virus drops: Official BEIJING: The current case fatality rate (CFR) of the novel coronavirus infection on the Chinese mainland has dropped to 2.1 percent, Chinese health authorities disclosed on Tuesday. The CFR remained stable after an initial 2.3 percent recorded at the beginning of the outbreak, said Jiao Yahui with the National Health Commission (NHC) at the daily press briefing on the epidemic. The CFR is calculated by dividing the number of deaths by the number of individuals diagnosed with the disease, Jiao noted. By the end of Monday, the number of confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus on the Chinese mainland had reached 20,438, and a total of 425 people had died of the disease, according to the NHC. “China is going all out to improve the admission and survival rates and reduce the infection and fatality rates,” said Jiao. – The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item

BEIJING: The current case fatality rate (CFR) of the novel coronavirus infection on the Chinese mainland has dropped to 2.1 percent, Chinese health authorities disclosed on Tuesday.
The CFR remained stable after an initial 2.3 percent recorded at the beginning of the outbreak, said Jiao Yahui with the National Health Commission (NHC) at the daily press briefing on the epidemic.
The CFR is calculated by dividing the number of deaths by the number of individuals diagnosed with the disease, Jiao noted.
By the end of Monday, the number of confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus on the Chinese mainland had reached 20,438, and a total of 425 people had died of the disease, according to the NHC.
“China is going all out to improve the admission and survival rates and reduce the infection and fatality rates,” said Jiao. – The Daily Mail-China Daily News exchange item