KP establishes isolation wards for virus suspects

PESHAWAR: The government of Khyber Pakhunkhwa has established isolation facility for suspected patients of coronavirus in Peshawar’s Police and Service Hospital, according to an office order issued by the provincial health department.
The notification states the general public will not be provided medical facilities at the Police and Service Hospital.
“The ongoing epidemic of Corona Virus (2019-n Cov) in China and its cross border transmission to 27 countries with reported 17,386 cases and 362 deaths till date, there is a strong likelihood that suspected cases of 2019-n Cov may be encountered in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and especially in District Peshawar,” the office order read.
The confirmed death toll in mainland China rose to 490 after the hardest-hit Hubei province reported 65 more deaths — the biggest single-day tally since the first fatalities emerged last month.
More than 20 countries have confirmed cases of the virus, prompting the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare a global health emergency, several governments to institute travel restrictions, and airlines to suspend flights to and from China.
The WHO said on Tuesday that the dramatic measures taken by China had provided a “window of opportunity” to halt transmission, while calling for more global solidarity to combat the virus.
The novel coronavirus has continued to spread with Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand on Tuesday reporting new infections that were not imported from China.– Agencies