National dialogue urged to promote harmony

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Initiating a national dialogue on peace building and national cohesion direly needed in order to promote inclusiveness and harmony and defeat extremism and terrorism in the country, underlined speakers at a series of seminars.
The Saiban-e-Pakistan international conference on ‘Interfaith Dialogue and National Cohesion’ was organized by Paigham-e-Pakistan Centre for Peace, Reconciliation and Reconstruction Studies, Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University Islamabad, in collaboration with Nazarbayev Centre for Development of Interfaith and Inter-Civilisational Dialogue, Kazakhstan, in Islamabad on Monday. Chairman Senate Sadiq Sanjrani and Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser were the chief guests at two sessions.
The first session of the seminar started with national anthems of Pakistan and Kazakhstan, followed by introductory remarks by IRI Director General Dr Ziaul Haq and welcome address by International Islamic University Islamabad President Ahmed Yousif Ahmed Al Draiweesh. Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani delivered the keynote address, wherein he said the Paigham-e-Pakistan narrative is key to countering extremism and a way forward for the country to march on the path of peace and prosperity. He said Saiban-e-Pakistan is the best tool to deal with growing extremism and intolerance in the society.
National Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser, Board of Nazarbayev Centre for Development of Interfaith and Inter-Civilisational Dialogue, Nur Sultan City, Kazakhstan, Chairman Altay Abibullayev, MNA Romina Khurshid Alam and MPA Ramesh Singh Arora were prominent among others who spoke on the occasion.