Mahathir quits but not exactly

KUALA LUMPUR: Mahathir Mohamad unexpectedly quit as Malaysia’s prime minister on Monday, leaving the country in political turmoil, but agreed to a request by the Southeast Asian nation’s king to stay on as interim premier until a successor is named.
The resignation of Mahathir, 94, broke apart a coalition with old rival Anwar Ibrahim, 72, that had scored a surprise election victory in 2018, and was not part of a pre-election promise that Mahathir would eventually cede power to Anwar.
The decision, which Mahathir did not explain, followed weekend talks between members of his coalition and the opposition on forming a new government.
The political turmoil, together with alarm in the region over the spread of the new coronavirus, sent Malaysia’s currency, bonds and stock market lower, and drew calls from some quarters for the world’s oldest government leader to return. Differences have been simmering between Mahathir and Anwar over delays to the planned transfer of power, presenting some anti-Anwar politicians with a window to try to seek a new coalition.
The king accepted the resignation after meeting Mahathir, Chief Secretary Mohd Zuki Ali said in a statement.
“However, His Highness has given his assent to appoint Mahathir Mohamad as interim prime minister, while waiting for the appointment of the new prime minister. Hence until then, (Mahathir) will manage the country’s affairs until a new prime minister and cabinet are appointed,” Mohd Zuki said. There is no time frame for how long someone can stay on as interim leader, and that person can also appoint cabinet ministers, news portal The Malaysian Insight quoted Attorney General Tommy Thomas as saying.–Agencieas