Indonesian cop sings ‘Jiayou Wuhan’

JAKARTA: Indonesian police officer Hans Simangunsong has become a crowd-puller and received respect from China after his video singing “Jiayou Wuhan” has gone viral on the social media. He dedicated that song to encouraging people in Wuhan city, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, as the Chinese government is fighting to contain the outbreak. The song was performed with another man on the singing app Smule. Simangunsong himself goes by the username ucok_hans and the other man has the username NavidLie88. “Dear friends in Wuhan, I always pray for and give supports to you. I hope the outbreak would soon be contained,” Simangunsong told media. The police officer of the Sorolangun District Police in the Indonesian province of Jambi has gained local and international fames. The Chinese government said Wuhan and China “are cheered on through social media by so many lovely people from all corners of the world” during such a difficult time caused by the outbreak. Simangunsong is a Batak (an ethnic in North Sumatra) and has never been to China, but he knows how to sing some Mandarin songs. –Agencies