Chinese collaboration to change railroad map, says Sheikh Rahid

By Ajmal Khan Yousafzai

ISLAMABAD: Minister for Railways Sheikh Rashid Ahmed Tuesday said Chinese collaboration in developing Main Line one (ML-I) project would change railroad map in Pakistan. He expressed these views in meeting with Chinese Ambassador, Yao Jing here. The minister discussed the ongoing railway projects with the ambassador where both the sides agreed to speed up work on the projects.
Sheikh Rashid said after approval from the Ministry of Planning in March, the Peshawar-Karachi ML-I project would be initiated during this fiscal year. He said, ‘I extend my gratitude to the Chinese Ambassador for his keen interest in the ML-I project. It is hoped that steps will be expedited to restore the Karachi Circular Railway (KCR).’
The Supreme Court of Pakistan, he said also wanted that the restoration of the ML-1 project and KCR would be completed as soon as possible. ‘The 1800 kilometers ML-I project will cost about $ 9 billion and will be completed in five years,’ the railways minister said. He said ML-I project was very important for Pakistan Railways and the country’s domestic economy. Sheikh Rashid also expressed his heartfelt sentiments for those killed by the Corona virus in China.
He said, ‘The Pakistani government and peoples are standing with China in this difficult time.’ The ambassador said the rapid development of road and rail infrastructure was inevitable for the economic development of the country whereas China would fully cooperate with Pakistan Railways in that regard. ‘Pakistan and China stand united in all situations,’ the ambassador added.