Firdous hails remarks about friendship

By Shakeel Ahmed

ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Information and Broadcasting Firdous Ashiq Awan on Tuesday termed the United States (US) President Donald Trump’s remarks on Pak-US friendship during ongoing India tour as a big development.
She said that his remarks applauding Pakistan’s role against terrorism would bury the Indian narrative against the country.
“Trump’s remarks are proof of our efforts towards bringing peace in the region,” she said in her message posted on Twitter.
Firdous Ashiq Awan said that the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi instead of delivering war-mongering and hatred speeches should understand the message of friendship and its power.
She said that brutal torture was carried on those protesting against the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act in Delhi during Donald Trump’s visit. “This exposed the true face of Indian regime before the entire world,” she said and added that all have now witnessed as to who has adopted the extremist ideology.
She further said that the international image of Pakistan is improving day by day under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan. “The world’s acknowledgement of our efforts towards peace is the success of our foreign policy,” Firdous Ashiq Awan said.
The adviser to prime minister further said that the Kashmir issue is a proven reality and expressed hope that the US President Donald Trump would talk on the matter during his India visit.
Earlier, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Tuesday said that United States of America President Donald Trump has golden chance to raise occupied Kashmir issue during his official visit to India.
In a statement, the minister hoped that Trump will discuss this conflict with Indian Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi for solution. The situation in occupied Kashmir is getting horrible day by day, he added.
Shah Mahmood further said that Indian cannot hold the voices of suffering Kashmiris for long time.The reaction came after US President Donald Trump termed relationship with Pakistan as a very good one during his address at a mega cricket stadium in India.
“Thanks to these efforts, we are beginning to see signs of big progress with Pakistan and we are hopeful for reducing tensions, greater stability and the future of harmony for all of the nations of South Asia,” he said.