Pakistani NGO leader Zafar Iqbal rewarded

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Zafar Iqbal, a Pakistani NGO leader and founder of the NGO World, Chairman of TNW Foundation and initiator of Brotherhood for Social Good, was awarded an international honorary medal on the World NGO Day 2020, in recognition of his outstanding work in the civil society and NGO sector.
The World NGO Day is an international calendar day annually observed on February 27, officially recognized and declared in 2010 and first time marked by the UN, European Union leaders and international organizations in 2014. Zafar has developed the World NGO Day-Pakistan movement, bringing together up to 1,000 Pakistani NGO leaders to conferences, awards, workshops, exhibitions on February 27 every year in Islamabad. It is one of the largest World NGO Day movements in the Commonwealth of Nations.
This year’s World NGO Day medal was awarded to Dean Trantalis (Mayor of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US) and Zafar Iqbal (NGO leader from Pakistan). This medal is awarded to mayors and NGO leaders who have made a global impact through their work in the civil society and non-profit sector, or raised awareness of World NGO Day.