19 held during crackdown against crooks

By U.Zee

ISLAMABAD: Capital Cops, while continuing their ongoing operation against criminal elements, arrested 19 in the past 24 hours, while recovering arms, drugs and wine from the accused.
According to details, on the directives of IGP Islamabad Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar Khan, DIG Operations Waqar-ud-din Syed further issued directions to all zonal officers to escalate efforts against anti-social elements. Thus, PS Bani Gala arrested 4 namely Haris Mehmood, Muhammad Afzal, Shezan Ilyas and Ajmal Hussain while recovering 7 bottles of wine from their possession.
Similarly, PS Aabpara caught Wasal Rehman for alleged involvement in kite selling despite ban. PS Tarnol, on the other hand, nabbed Afaq Ali and Umar Farooq while recovering 2 30-bore pistols from their possession. Similarly, PS Ramna arrested some Javed Alam and recovered two wine bottles along five beer cans from him.
CIA Cops also booked an accused namely Haroon Maseeh while recovering a 30-bore pistol from him. PS Sabzi Mandi, on the other hand, arrested some Nadir Khan and recovered 1.327kg hashish from his possession. PS Nilore nabbed some Umer Farooq and recovered a 30-bore pistol from him. PS Koral caught accused Muhammad Sultan and recovered 1.150kg hashish from him.
PS Sihala arrested Sajjad Masood and recovered 230 grams hashish from him. PS Shahzad Town nabbed some Shahzad and recovered a 30-bore pistol from his possession. PS Nilore booked accused Imran and Saeed with 325 grams hashish and 105 grams of heroine. PS Sihala, on the other hand, caught Hasnain and Siddique, wanted to cops in some criminal case. Moreover, during special inspection al over the city, cops nabbed 9 proclaimed offenders at various police stations.
DIG Operations Islamabad Waqar-ud-din Syed has said that the social evils would be curbed and those backing drug peddlers and professional beggars would be dealt with iron hands. He further stated that the campaign would go on till elimination of anti-social elements at large.