People hail Pakistan for support in epidemic

BEIJING: Chinese people highly appreciate Pakistan’s understanding and support to China during the period of fighting against NCP coronavirus.
Gwadar Pro App, quoting a Chinese leading newspaper the Global Times said on Tuesday that Pakistan has helped a lot during China’s recent fight against the coronavirus. It overcame difficulties and donated hundreds of thousands of face masks and other protective supplies to China.

The Global Times says, Pakistan is facing multiple challenges in 2020. In addition to the global spread of the coronavirus, Pakistan is experiencing its worst locust plague in 27 years. The locust disaster will destroy crops and may threaten Pakistan’s food security.
This being the case, China has the responsibility to help Pakistan weather the storm as this is in line with China’s image as a major power. The newspaper maintained that the virus is spreading globally, and Pakistan is also facing the impact.
The coronavirus outbreak in Pakistan’s neighbouring country Iran is worsening, and Pakistan has closed its borders with Iran. China, as an all-weather strategic cooperative partner and a close friend of Pakistan, is willing to help the country get through the challenge. – Agencies