President House saves Rs 8.46 mln in utility bills

By Minahil Makhdoom

ISLAMABAD: The President House, under the government’s robust austerity drive, has saved a total of Rs8.46 million including Rs 7,430,000 in power consumption and another amount of Rs 1,030,000 in the usage of gas during the year 2019.
According to official sources on Tuesday, the current saving stood in clear contrast to the erstwhile expenditures made on the consumption of power and gas during the year 2018. The incumbent government is strictly adhering to the austerity measures by curtailing the official expenditures and in this connection, various steps have been taken in different sections of the President House to ensure implementation of this policy, the source said.
Under this policy, effective mechanism has been put in place in the President House to save expenditures incurring on the consumption of electricity and gas.