Report on CPEC in AJK launched

By Adnan Rafique

ISLAMABAD: A report titled ‘˜CPEC in Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK): A gateway to regional connectivity & Beyond’ was launched here at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI). Prime Minister AJK Raja Farooq Haider was the chief guest on the occasion.
The event was organized by China Pakistan Study Center (CPSC), ISSI in collaboration with Center for Peace Development and Reforms (CPDR).
Addressing the ceremony, Prime Minister AJK Raja Farooq Haider appreciating the report, said that stability of Pakistan was stability of Kashmir, adding that the government of AJK has implemented austerity measures from day one to bring economic stability.
He said that the second priority of his government was to ensure good governance in the Azad Jammu Kashmir.
Prime Minister AJK said that special economic zone under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) would bring progress and prosperity.
He said that highway would be constructed under the project, adding that roads and education were two main components for prosperity. He said that in AJK Mirpur is one of the viable economic zones.
He said that tourism corridor is another great initiative which would boost tourism and bring economic stability.
He said that with the implementation of the project, tourism industry is expected to increase manifold which would create job opportunities, besides improving the life standard of the people in the area.
Prime Minister AJK said that present government has ensured merit based recruitment’s in all departments particularly Public Service Commission. He said that health institutes of AJK were providing free medicines to the people. He said that he was in love with Pakistan and it was his mission to serve and provide best facilities to the people of AJK.
Condemning atrocities in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK), he said that people of IOK were under siege since long, adding that despite all atrocities, people of IOK love to give sacrifices and buried in flag of Pakistan.
The Prime Minister AJK Raja Farooq Haider said that there were no differences on the progress and prosperity of country and it was responsibility of the every citizen to contribute in it.
Author of the book Sabur Ali Sayyid CPDR said that CPEC is the flagship project of One Belt One Road (OBOR) vision of China. He said that under the CPEC, four projects are sanctioned for AJK, out of which two are energy related; the third one is construction of a road and finally, a special economic zone. The study examines the significance of these projects and underlines how they can impact the socio-political and economic conditions of people in the area, besides promoting greater economic connectivity and cooperation among the inhabitants of different parts of Kashmir.
The study is divided into three chapters; in the first chapter, a brief introduction of CPEC,
Its origin and the projects envisaged under it is given.
In chapter two, socio political and economic impact of the proposed projects in AJK is looked into. It is widely based on the discussion with local people, policy-makers, academia and political representatives.
In chapter three, the potential role of CPEC in the revival of the ancient silk route alongside creation of an atmosphere conducive to enhanced people to people contacts, exchange of free ideas and goods among people living in different parts of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir is looked into.