Shanghai strengthens measures to aid expats

SHANGHAI: Stopover passenger from the Republic of Korea (ROK) now being quarantined in Shanghai wrote a message of thanks, showing gratitude toward a raft of heartwarming measures of the city to help foreigners amid the virus outbreak.
The ROK passenger was visited by staff members of the Shanghai People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (SPAFFC) on Sunday who brought him food such as coffee and biscuits.
“The greetings from SPAFFC at this special time make us expatriates in quarantine feel the inclusiveness of Shanghai,” reads the note.
“I fully understand the strict measures Shanghai has taken to prevent the spread of the epidemic. The virus is ruthless, but Shanghai is affectionate. Let’s meet in the spring blossoms!” he said.
To contain the virus, Shanghai has required all people who have lived in or traveled to countries with a high rate of COVID-19 14 days prior to their arrival in Shanghai to undergo a 14-day quarantine at home or in designated places for medical observation.
As enterprises in Shanghai are resuming operation, thanks to the progress of China’s tough anti-virus efforts, many foreigners are now returning to the metropolitan.
According to local authorities, those quarantined foreigners are provided with necessities by community workers and in designated quarantine places, interpreters are available to ensure smooth communication.
“Amazing!” reads a message sent by a foreign resident undergoing home quarantine in Shanghai’s Bansongyuan Community after receiving a pack of spaghetti, expressing thanks to community workers who often deliver quarantined residents’ favorite foods to soothe their moods.
Bansongyuan is home to residents from 11 foreign countries, who, alongside the locals, strictly follow containment measures in the city’s battle against the respiratory virus. To help foreign residents better understand the city’s anti-virus campaign, the community distributed packages of tips written in English, Japanese and Korean and medical materials such as thermometers and hand sanitizers.
The whole city is taking action to leave no one unattended. At airports, warm-hearted volunteers in Shanghai are working as interpreters to ensure foreigners to follow the epidemic prevention and control instructions of the city correctly.
– The Daily Mail-People’s Daily News exchange item