Washington’s ill-intended bill puts Taiwan at risk

By Wang Shushen

The US House of Representatives recently passed the Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative Act of 2019. The “Taipei Act 2019” may soon be sent to President Trump for his signature.
The “Taipei Act” was concocted by pro-Taiwan forces in the US and the island’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities.
It essentially lends US support to DPP authorities to maintain their remaining ties with other nations, supports Taiwan to participate in international organizations as members or observers, and promotes negotiations of economic and trade agreements between the US and DPP authorities.
The Taipei Act 2019 reflects just one of the attempts by stubborn pro-Taiwan forces to erode the internationally recognized One-China framework. The US is also formulating other Taiwan-related bills. These bills are attempts to enhance political, military, security and economic relations between the US and Taiwan, and support the DPP’s goal of “Taiwan secession.”
These acts are a grave violation of the one-China principle and the three Sino-US joint communiques, which were the basis for the diplomatic relations between China and the US.
They are also a grave violation of international law and basic norms governing international relations, and a gross interference in China’s internal affairs.
Taiwan is a part of China, and the Taiwan issue is an internal affair of China. This has been a general consensus of the international community and a prerequisite of China for establishing relations with any country.
Around the world, some 180 countries have established diplomatic relations with China based on this principle. Since the US established diplomatic relations with China in 1979, it has followed the one-China principle. Now, however, the US is intent on bullying and preventing other countries from developing normal state-to-state relations with China, an obivous attempt at increasing US hegemony, over the best interests of other countries.
The one-China principle is universally recognized and accepted. The international community is opposed to Taiwan secessionist forces undermining peace and stability in the Taiwan straits, and the Chinese government has the ability, will and determination to curb various forms of Taiwan secession activities. The US needs to recognize and grasp these realities.
Since establishing diplomatic relations with China, the US has continuously fiddled with its stance on the Taiwan question. This is very harmful and not conducive to stability across the Taiwan Strait.
The US should immediately stop promoting Taiwan-related bills and stop interfering in the Taiwan question, so as to not further harm peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits.
DPP authorities are taking advantage of the US’ view of China as a primary strategic competitor. Over the past two years, DPP authorities have been an important promoter of the US bills relating to Taiwan. The direction and content of some bills clearly reflect the DPP’s desire for Taiwan secession.
DPP authorities have not recognized the 1992 Consensus, continue to promote de-Sinification of laws and policies, increased restrictions or cut off cross-strait exchanges, and allowed Taiwan separatist activities to escalate. During this period, the US has publicly acted as a protective umbrella over DPP authorities and Taiwan secession forces, sending out false signals, which have encouraged some political forces on the island to rely on the US in their quest for independence.
The Chinese mainland’s position is clear: any departure from the one-China principle will lead to tension and turbulence in cross-straits relations and harm the vital interests of Taiwan compatriots.
Previous Taiwan-related US legislation has failed to bring any substantial benefits to the people on the island in terms of peace, stability, and development.
On the contrary, the US legislation has destabilized the Taiwan straits and increased antagonism and confrontation in cross-straits relations. The US and DPP authorities have caused the people on the island to worry that Taiwan will become a pawn of the US and they will be the ones who eventually suffer the consequences.
Taiwan secession goes against the historical trend and is a dead-end road. The Chinese mainland is capable of maintaining a strong deterrent against Taiwan secession forces and has the resolve to deal with them in a timely manner. Imagine at the time of a major historic turning point, the US can withdraw itself, but can Taiwan withdraw?
–The Daily Mail-Global Times news exchange item