SGA suspends Pakistan Day sports activities 

KARACHI: The Sindh Games Association (SGA) has unanimously approved suspending of all sports activities scheduled to be held in connection with Pakistan Day celebrations on March 23, in line with the directives of the federal and Sindh governments due to coronavirus outbreak.

President SGA Mr. Mudassar Arain chaired the meeting of the association held at its Karachi office on Monday. The representatives of six regional sindh games associations and members executive committee were attended this meeting.

As per directives of the federal and provincial governments in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, the meeting unanimously approved suspending of all sports activities which were scheduled to be held on Pakistan Day 23rd March.

The house also directed all regional sports bodies to organize and flourish the sports activities from grass root level with the collaboration of local government.

The SGA meeting also decided that Regional and Provisional Sports Associations should make necessary arrangement for preparation of Sindh Games which will be held in July 2020 with the collaboration of the government.

All associations were directed to set up trails and camps in conjunction with the local administration.

Even more, some vestige interest persons are trying to use illegally name of SINDH GAMES and took legal action against them and delegated the authority to the Legal Committee SGA for that purpose.

During the meeting, the SGA nominated Syed Israr Ahmed as coordinator and Secretary for Karachi Region. The next meeting of the Association is to be held next month in Hyderabad Region.