Premier readies nation for worst

-Says Coronavirus may spread further
-Warns hoarders of stringent action
-Urges adopting all safety and protection measures
-Rules out complete lockdown

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday urged the nation to act responsibly and avoid large gatherings after Pakistan’s coronavirus tally surged to 237.
He warned the public that the coronavirus would spread in Pakistan as countries having better health facilities could not halt its spread.
The premier while addressing the nation said: “The virus will spread [in the country] as the countries with better facilities than us could not stop it. “
Telling the nation not to panic, the prime minister said that he virus was dangerous for old people since it attacked their already-weakened immune system.
He paid tribute to the Government of Balochistan and the Pakistan Army for ensuring that pilgrims arriving from Taftan were quarantined. PM Imran said that the government was following the coronavirus situation closely.
The prime minister spoke about the coronavirus situation around the world, saying that the US, Italy and England have reacted differently to the virus. However, he said that Pakistan cannot afford the same response as European countries.
“Our economic situation is very fragile,” he said. “If we close down the country, what will happen to the poor? People will die of hunger here,” he said.
Economic team to monitor inflation
The prime minister said that an economic committee will determine how the government can cope with the coronavirus situation. PM Imran said that he feared food prices will once again rise as profiteers and hoarders will once again resume illicit activities. Nearly all the “industries across the world are collapsing, Pakistan will also have to face severe problems,” he said.
“First it will affect our exporters as our exports had recently increased, our textile industry is running at full capacity,” he said.
“Business will get affected. The economic committee will monitor which areas are being affected and how the government can help them, they will keep a check on inflation,” he said.
He warned hoarders that the government would take stern action against them and that he would use full force to bring them to justice.
He said that the virus was spreading in countries and the government was studying responses of other governments and how they were acting to eliminate the pandemic.
‘Govt alone cannot tackle coronavirus’
Join hands to battle coronavirus as no government, including American and China were able to tackle it alone, it is because of joint efforts that they are surviving, he said. He urged people to keep away from large gatherings and avoid from shaking hands.
PM Imran advised the nation to not panic and said that every person should not get himself/herself tested based on only mild flu symptoms. The testing kits should be used for only people who were really suffering from the novel virus, he said.
“Aap ne ghabrana nahi hai [You don’t need to panic],” he said. “It is our belief that life and death are in the hands of Allah.”
He praised the efforts of doctors and nurses and said that the government will help them in their ‘Jihad’ against the coronavirus. PM Imran said that he understood the plight of overseas Pakistanis at this hour, especially the Pakistani students who were stranded in Wuhan.
The prime minister addressed the country’s Ulema and said that it was their responsibility to play a positive role in the crisis.
Underscoring the need for joint efforts against the coronavirus pandemic, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that the government and the nation will jointly fight and win against the pandemic, media reported.
Addressing the nation, PM Imran said that the government was making all-out efforts to deal with the deadly virus. He urged all segments of the society to come forward and play their role in containing the spread of novel coronavirus.
On the occasion, PM Imran warned the hoarders and profiteers of stern action. He maintained that the virus could spread and urged the masses to follow the safety instructions issued by the government. The prime minister said that the virus is a type of flu and what sets it apart is that it spreads very quickly He said that 97 per cent of the coronavirus patients survive. He said that there is no need for panic amid the spread of coronavirus in the country, adding that the government is vigilant and taking every possible step to control the epidemic. The prime minister said a coordination committee and an economic committee has been formed to tackle the situation.
He lauded the Pakistan Army and Balochistan government for rendering matchless services at Pak-Iran border. The prime minister asked Ulema to perform their duty to guide masses in this critical juncture of history.
Earlier on March 14, National Security Committee (NSC) had made important decisions under its strategy to fight coronavirus including closure of educational institutions, borders besides cancellation of mass gatherings and partial suspension of flight operations.
A meeting of the country’s top civil-military body had taken place at the Prime Minister’s House under the chair of PM Imran Khan. The three services chiefs, the federal ministers for interior, foreign and law affairs as well as the education minister were in attendance in the meeting.