Women can play pivotal role in COVID19

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Parliamentary Secretary for National History and Literary Heritage, Ghazala Saifi on Friday said that women have to play pivotal role in this testing time due to coronavirus pandemic in the country.
She urged people to stay at their homes for their own safety with their families. She said that women should focus on their children to keep them at home and also manage their studies.
She said that “we all together could defeat coronavirus with determination and strong resolve†.
Ghazala Saifi said that COVID19 would not affect anyone unless you go out and bring itself to your home, adding that it was very important to stay at their homes.
She said that the people should avoid shaking hands and wash hands repeatedly for 20 seconds, adding that women should ensure that their kids keep their hands washed. She said that the people should avoid outdoor movement and stay their homes, adding that in case people had to go out then they should avoid congested places.