A comparative eye on Gwadar

Gwadar: If compared with the past, Gwadar is passing through a positive change in terms of its outlook and public life. It is still in the phase of transformation with flying colors.
The people of Gwadar are witnessing a pragmatic and promising change in their living standards, livelihood, business, and socio-economic dynamics. Credit goes to China-led developments indeed.
It is a matter of fact that Gwadar has been transformed from a small fishing town to a commercial and tourist hub. Undoubtedly, development is a progressive and time-taking process, and to say that Gwadar is set to be the commercial torchbearer for Pakistan would not be an overstatement.
The infrastructural transmutation over the period was largely initiated during the early period of the port’s construction and later compounded by China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.
The period from 2015 was particularly a watershed moment for Gwadar, thanks to the Belt and Road Initiative. Apart from the operationalization of the port, China has undertaken a number of initiatives in Gwadar. East Bay Expressway (EBEW), New Gwadar International Airport (NGIA), China-Pakistan Vocational and Technical Training Institute (PCVTI), China-Pakistan 300 Bed Friendship Hospital, 1.2 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) desalination water plant, and a number of other infrastructural development projects are some of the China-funded schemes. Many of these projects such as EBEW and PCVTI are functional. Others are expected to be completed soon.
Since China’s takeover of Gwadar port in 2013, a number of direct and indirect benefits have been offered to the local community. Several job opportunities have been provided. With the ongoing process of industrialization, especially in Gwadar Free Zone, thousands of additional jobs will be created. Moreover, indirectly, Gwadar has been benefitted considerably. The real estate and construction sectors in the city have been boosted.
The tourism sector has gained traction, thanks to the unpremeditated marketing due to CPEC. In addition to the infrastructure developments, Gwadar is witnessing multiple social welfare programs, such as Gwadar Women’s Development Centre, aimed at skills development, women empowerment, and poverty alleviation.
Furthermore, the planned projects can eventually make the locals self-sufficient. Moreover, China has so far installed over 7,000 solar panels in district Gwadar to provide efficient electricity to local users.
Gwadar port is functional with a remarkable capacity to process containers, bulk cargo, and LPG vessels. –Agencies