A day to honor matchless sacrifices of freedom fighters

-Independence Day

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: Every year, Independence Day of Pakistan is celebrated across the country and around the globe by Pakistani diasporas and in Pakistani missions abroad with patriotic zeal and zest to commemorate the matchless sacrifices of freedom fighters whose consistent efforts have placed Pakistan on map of the world on 14th August 1947.
The day is not only an occasion to promote patriotism and national unity. But it is also the time to create awareness among the new generations about the sacrifices of the heroes of Pakistan Movement who rendered their lives for creation of a separate homeland for the Muslims of the subcontinent.
During the partition, more than 14 million people had crossed borders between Pakistan and India while each one of them had an untold story of his own. Therefore, on this day, homage is paid to all those people who had lost their lives during the migration and riots in 1947 as well as the political figures, freedom fighters, poets and artists.
There was a growing demand for an independent Muslim state in the subcontinent. Consequently, the All India Muslim League was founded on December 30, 1906 while Allama Muhammad Iqbal presented the idea of a separate Muslim state consisted of geographically Muslim majority areas in the subcontinent in 1930.
Afterwards, in 1940, the Pakistan Resolution was passed in Lahore demanding greater Muslim autonomy in British India.
Thus Pakistan gained independence from the British rule on 14th August, 1947.Independence Day is a public holiday; therefore, the public is free to roam around and celebrate the day. They visit the national monuments and places of national significance recreational spots to mark the holiday.
This is also the time to meet friends and relatives and exchange gifts with each other to celebrate the day.
Pakistan’s Independence Day pays homage to the national heroes who devoted their lives for Pakistan’s freedom movement.
They had made efforts to materialize the dream of an independent Muslim state. Moreover, events such as special theatre shows, national song competitions, concerts, and Independence Day pageants are held while radio and television stations broadcast national songs.
Talking to media, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Senator Prof. Dr. Mehr Taj Roghani said that independence movement was a long journey of struggle and sacrifices, adding that it was not easy even to imagine a free and sovereign Muslim state in the subcontinent under the British Raj. She said, “Only those know the real worth of freedom who are aware of the conditions of people living in colonies and occupied territories as slaves and second class citizens.”
Dean Faculty of Social Sciences, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Dr Shahid Siddiqui while talking to APP said, “14th August is celebrated as Independence Day to remember the achievement and sacrifices of the heroes of Pakistan freedom movement but at the same time we should not forget our responsibilities to sustain it at high esteem among the comity of nations.”