Abdullah hails Pakistan’s efforts for Afghan peace

-Afghan peace negotiators meet FM at Foreign Office
-FM says Pakistan backs sturdy political solution to Afghan conflict via Afghan-led peace process
– Maintains Pakistan has been playing facilitator role in peace process
-Urges Afghan leadership to take serious efforts for durable peace
-States Pakistan desires dignified return of Afghan refugees

By Our Diplomatic

ISLAMABAD: Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, Chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation of Afghanistan, met Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi at the Foreign Office in Islamabad on Monday.
During the meeting, he lauded and expressed his gratitude to Pakistani leadership over its role in the Afghan peace process.
FM Qureshi said Pakistan backs a peaceful and durable political solution to the long-running Afghan conflict through an afghan led and afghan owned peace process. Pakistan has been playing the role of a facilitator in the Afghan peace process, he maintained.
He said the US-Taliban peace agreement and later the intra afghan dialogue held in Doha have raised the prospects of durable peace in Afghanistan, adding the Afghan leadership should seize this historic opportunity and undertake serious efforts to take the Afghan peace process to logical conclusion.
He said all stakeholders will also have to keep an eye on spoilers who do not want peace and stability in the region. The international community will have to come forward for the reconstruction and economic stability of Afghanistan, he stressed.Qureshi said Pakistan desires dignified return of millions of Afghan refugees to their homeland.
In a tweet after the meeting, the foreign minister said: “It was a pleasure to have welcomed @DrabdullahCE to MoFA. The #AfghanPeaceProcess is of paramount importance for both Pakistan and Afghanistan & its success ensures socio-economic prosperity for all. @DrabdullahCE’s visit further strengthens the amity & fraternity between our countries.”
Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has called on the Afghan leadership to make “serious efforts” to ensure that the Afghan peace process is taken to its logical conclusion. The foreign minister made the remark as he welcomed the High Council for National Reconciliation (HCNR) of Afghanistan Chairman Dr Abdullah Abdullah at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Abdullah is in Islamabad for a three-day trip, where he is expected to meet Prime Minister Imran Khan, President Arif Alvi and the Pakistani leadership.
“We respect Afghanistan’s territorial integrity and sovereignty,” Qureshi said, adding that PM Imran Khan had constantly emphasised that Afghanistan’s problems cannot be solved through force alone.
The foreign minister said that the world has today acknowledged Pakistan’s stance on the problems faced by Afghanistan.
“Pakistan supports a peaceful and lasting political solution for Afghanistan through acceptable dialogue,” said Qureshi.
He also told the visiting dignitary that Pakistan will continue “playing a conciliatory role sincerely” in the Afghan peace process. He added that Pakistan believes that peace in Afghanistan is essential for the development of the region, and warned that Afghan leaders will have to focus on the “miscreants” who try to derail the Afghan peace process. He also urged the world to come forward for the peace and development of Afghanistan.
Qureshi, while bringing up the Afghan refugees present in Pakistan, said that Pakistan wants the “dignified repatriation” of Afghans living in Pakistan.
During the meeting, Dr Abdullah appreciated Pakistan for its conciliatory efforts and thanked PM Imran and FM Qureshi for their role in the Afghan process.