Abiy inaugurates industrial park worth $60-mln

DM Monitoring

ADDIS ABABA: Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on Wednesday inaugurated a Chinese-built industrial park constructed at a cost of 60 million U.S. dollars.
The Bahir Dar Industrial Park (BIP), located 552 km north of Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa was constructed by the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC).
Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, the Ethiopian PM said the industrial park will help in knowledge transfer and boost the science capacity of Ethiopia in addition to creating job opportunities for thousands of Ethiopians.
“Bahir Dar Industrial Park is not only a production space but also a place where local employees gain knowledge and even can serve as a recreational space for the general public,” said Ahmed.
“Ethiopia has so far commissioned 13 industrial parks which have been crucial in the country’s efforts to achieve prosperity and boost economic development,” he further said.
The Ethiopian PM also said the BIP and other industrial parks are expected to create linkages with agro-industrial parks, as part of efforts to transform Ethiopia’s agricultural sector.
Amhara Regional President, Temesgen Tiruneh, said the construction and commissioning of the Bahir Dar Industrial Park, will help Ethiopia earn much needed foreign exchange from exports.