ACE to file another case against Elahi

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: The Anti-Corruption Establishment (ACE) has decided to file another case against PTI Presi-dent and former Punjab Chief Minister Pervez Elahi.
According to the anti-corruption authorities, a case will be registered against Parvez Elahi for committing irregularities and corruption in the Master Plan 2050.
Officials say that Kasur’s agricultural land was illegally converted into commercial land in the master plan. A case against PTI President will be registered in Anti-Corruption Establishment, Lahore Region-A.
According to anti-corruption officials, the Kotla Rai Abubakar land is owned by Parvez Elahi’s son.
Officials said the LDA chairman signed the fake land map at the behest of Chaudhry Moonis Elahi. Ap-proval of the master plan at stage 5 with the foreign company was granted illegally.
Wife of PTI President and former chief minister Chaudhry Parvez Elahi on Saturday filed a petition in Su-preme Court seeking recovery of her husband.
The wife of Mr Elahi has challenged a decision of the La-hore High Court (LHC) to dispose of her petition regarding recovery of her husband as ineffective. The former Punjab chief minister is currently in custody of the Islamabad police in a terrorism court registered against him on September 3. He was arrested shortly after the Islamabad High Court (IHC) ordered his release by suspending his detention under Maintenance Public Order.