Additional points policy gets tougher

BEIJING: The policy of giving additional points to students from minority ethnic groups during gaokao, the national college entrance exams, has been either canceled or adjusted by provinces in recent years to promote exam equality and more precise protection for candidates in remote areas, experts said.
Chen Zhiwen, a member of the China Society of Education Development Strategy, said the stricter requirements put in place for minority students seeking to take advantage of the policy is the result of the improving education situations of such students and efforts to prevent potential cheating in the admissions process.
Earlier this month, the Henan provincial government released its latest policy regarding the awarding of additional scores during this year’s gaokao, stipulating that candidates from minority ethnic groups will not receive such points.
Meanwhile, groups such as children of martyrs, self-employed veterans and returned overseas Chinese may still qualify for the additional points, which range from 5 to 20. –The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item