Adnan Malik explains difference between instagram & reality

By Amina Parvez

Adnan Malik is a talented star of the Showbiz industry who is serving in multiple things. He is a prominent Actor who has worked in a few dramas and films and gained enough popularity. Lately Adnan Malik shared some pictures on his instagram account showing up the reality beside Instagram life. While sharing this picture Adnan mentioned “It’s crazy to me that we journey to these incredibly scenic places to be photographed in front of raw, natural beauty, while simultaneously littering it so heartlessly”. “Are we that vain as a species that while we obsess over the perfect picture, we can’t carry our garbage back and dispose of it properly in a trash bin? To just dump our plastic refuse right there & ruin the experience for others? Don’t we think about the animals & birds that will suffer because of this inorganic, man-made creation that may poison or kill them? Or do we assume that someone will come & clean it up after us? Or that it will naturally decompose?” says Adnan.
Talking about his love with nature he said “I love mama nature & travel around the world to experience her in all her glory. In those travels I’ve realized 2 things about Pakistan.
First, that we are blessed with exceptional landscape & wilderness at par with the best in the world and secondly, that our people (especially our youth) are not respectful of this no matter where I go in Pakistan there are plastic wrappers, bottles & bags littered on paths, dumped in bushes or abandoned at picnic sites”.
Furthermore, he mentioned that At Mirajani, when he asked the local caretaker of the trail he grievously told him that most of the trash is left behind by field tripping school & college students. This was unacceptable to him. “Over 50 percent of my followers are between the ages of 13-24. How can it be that the future of my country, most of you reading this, the people who will Inherit this gorgeous land, be so lazy, so heartless, so selfish as to dump trash in future?”, he added.