Afghans return as Torkham, Chaman borders opened

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan opened its Torkham and Chaman border crossings on Monday to allow the exit of Afghan nationals until April 9. Islamabad had on Saturday announced to temporarily open the border crossings on Kabul’s request on humanitarian grounds amid the coronavirus pandemic.
According to security sources, the outflow of the Afghan nationals has begun and around 1,000 will be allowed

to leave for their country on a daily basis. On Saturday, the Foreign Office said Pakistan would allow Afghan nationals to return home through two land border crossings with the eastern neighbour.
“At the special request of the government of Afghanistan and based on humanitarian considerations, Pakistan has decided to allow the exit of Afghan nationals in Pakistan wishing to go back to their country,” the FO said in a statement.
Earlier, Prime Minister Imran Khan had directed authorities to open the Chaman-Spinboldak border between Pakistan and Afghanistan and said Islamabad would continue to support Kabul during the global coronavirus pandemic.