Air defenses triggered in Crimea town

MOSCOW: Russia activated its air defense in the town of Armyansk in northern Crimea, Mayor Vasily Telizhenko reported on his Telegram channel on Friday. “Please stay calm, air defense is active,” he wrote, according to Russian state media. The air defense was activated outside the town, and explosions could be heard in Armyansk earlier, Telizhenko told TASS.
“I have consulted all services, and everything is all right. There are certain people who are destabilizing this situation. People have not been [evacuated from Armyansk], and we are planning no [evacuation],” he specified. Earlier this week, reports alleging that people are being evacuated from Arnyansk emerged on pro-Ukrainian Telegram channels. Oleg Kryuchkov, adviser to the Crimean leader, said those were bogus stories.
Crimean leader Sergey Aksyonov said reports about an evacuation of the town were fake news being spread by Ukrainian officials and that all measures were currently being taken to ensure security on the peninsula. In an interview with Financial Times on Thursday, Zelenskyy stated that he is willing to consider non-military means of liberating Crimea; however, he warns against wasting time on options that do not include the peninsula’s liberation.
“I understand that everyone is confused by the situation and what will happen to Crimea. If someone is ready to offer us a way regarding the de-occupation of Crimea by non-military means, I will only be in favour. –Agencies =