AJK President condemns recent unrest in occupied Kashmir

By Anzal Amin

ISLAMABAD: President Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), Sardar Masood Khan on Sunday strongly condemned the desecration of a mosque and the killing of 10 Kashmiri youth since Thursday by the Indian forces in the Shopian and Pulwama areas of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
“The cold-blooded killing of 10 youth in four days and indiscriminate shelling on the Shopian Mosque with heavy weapons to destroy the structure of the mosque is the worst example of terrorism,” he said while commenting on the latest killing spree of innocent youth by Indian occupation forces in IOJK. Highlighting the gravity of the situation, the AJK President urged the International Community, particularly the United Nation, five permanent members of UNSC, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), to call upon India to immediately stop the brutal killing of defenceless Kashmiris in IOJK.
Sardar Masood said that the tragic incident at Shopian had once again reflected that the extremist Fascist government of India wanted to eradicate every symbol in occupied Kashmir related to Islam and Muslims.
Terming the desecration of a mosque, the holiest place of Muslims, as an outrageous assault on the religious sentiments of the people of IOJK, he said the despicable act has also hurt the religious sentiments of Muslims all over the world. The AJK President went on to say that what Muslims of Occupied Kashmir are confronted with at present is not merely intolerance and prejudice, but the bigotry of the highest degree.
He said that the latest move by the Indian Army has once again made it clear that the Indian government believes in the use of force to keep Kashmir under its brutal subjugation instead of resolving the issue through dialogue and peaceful political means.
Sardar Masood further said that the attack on the Shopian Mosque by the Indian Army and its desecration was not the first incident but the history of Kashmir was replete with this kind of incidents. He said that such incidents would give a new impetus and strength to the legitimate and just struggle of the people of Jammu and Kashmir instead of suppressing the movement for freedom and the right to self-determination.