Ali remains hopeful for Khan’s release

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader and former Member of the National Assembly Ali Muhammad Khan on Sunday has advised Parvez Khattak to remain within ethical limits while in politics.
Ali was replying to a question on former Khyber Pakhtunkhwa chief minister and ex-defence minister Khattak during a talk show on a private news channel on Saturday night. “Nobody knew him [Khattak]. He came into limelight when the PTI chairman picked him,” the ex-MNA added.
He said that Khattak became known after becoming a part of the PTI. He should do be decent while in politics. If he would do positive politics, we would also praise him, Ali continued.
Regarding the arrest of PTI vice chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi, he said that his arrest would creat more tension in the already boiling political situation of the country.
“Qureshi is already appearing in courts; what was logic behind his arrest,” he questioned.
Regarding the elections, Ali said that there’s no ambiguity in the Constitution; if an assembly is dissolved, elections should be held within 90 days. He also raised question of caretaker chief ministers’ vote on the province’s policy in the CCI meeting. “The Constitution does not allow their participation in the CCI meeting. The Constitution is supreme and the country must be run according to the Constitution,” he stated. –Agencies