Aliyev congratulates Anatoly Torkunov

BAKU: President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has sent a congratulatory letter to academician Anatoly Torkunov, Rector of Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
“Dear Anatoly Vasilyevich, I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of your 70th anniversary. Accept my best wishes for your good health, happiness and well-being,” the letter said.
“You have been successfully heading Moscow State Institute of International Relations for many years. It is thanks to your efforts that MGIMO is rightly considered as one of the most influential and prestigious universities in the world,” Azerbaijani president said. “As a great scientist, teacher and talented organizer, you are making valuable contributions to the training of highly qualified state and public figures, diplomats, journalists, lawyers who are worthily representing their countries on the international scene,” Azerbaijani president said. “Dear Anatoly Vasilyevich, once again I congratulate you on your jubilee, and extend my wishes for a long life, new achievements and all the best,” the head of state said. –Agenices