Alvi links women’s economic participation with enabling work environment

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi on Tuesday stressed improving the status of women by providing them with an enabling work environment to increase their economic participation.
The president highlighted that following the rights granted by the religion Islam, it was the responsibil-ity of the society to give them their due share and create a safer society for them.
He expressed these views while chairing a meeting during his visit to the Federal Ombudsman Secre-tariat for Protection Against Harassment at Workplace (FOSPAH) Head Office, in Islamabad. Federal Ombudsperson for Protection Against Harassment at Workplace Fauzia Viqar, Secretary FOSPAH Arif Karim, advisers and officials of FOSPAH attended the meeting.
President Alvi called for taking appropriate legislative measures at the federal and provincial levels to ensure the protection of women’s property rights, besides discouraging the transfer of property by women to their family members due to pressures. He said that he was conducting personal hearings of the Ombudspersons’ cases to expedite the process of justice.
He stated that highlighting important decisions of FOSPAH in harassment and women’s property cases through media would help increase awareness about the role of the Ombudsman.
The president said that police at the local level needed to improve their response to women’s complaints in property cas-es, adding that police officials should be educated about the provisions of the Enforcement of Wom-en’s Property Rights Act, 2020. –Agencies