Always in favor of useful talks, Bishkek tells EAEU

DM Monitoring

BISHKEK: “Participation in the EAEU (Eurasian Economic Union) is a priority of Kyrgyzstan’s foreign policy. We always stand for an open and constructive dialogue on the whole range of issues within the Union,” Acting President of Kyrgyzstan, Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh Talant Mamytov said on Friday at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council (SEEC) via video conference.
The acting president noted the main issue of today’s meeting – the adoption of a document on the strategic direction of Eurasian economic integration, which will constitute the development agenda of the Union and determine the main directions of work for the next 5 years.
“The Strategy includes the initiative of the Kyrgyz Republic on the introduction of mechanisms and programs for targeted financing within the existing development institutions. It envisages addition of new approaches to the already existing ways of financing by our regional development institutions. I am confident that this initiative will play a key role in narrowing the gaps in the level of development of our national economies and integration as a whole.
Today, the most urgent issue for the Kyrgyz side is also the formation of a common gas market. This issue is one of the most important priorities of our cooperation and one of the essential components in ensuring energy security of our countries. Given the peculiarities of gas supplies to the Kyrgyz Republic, I believe that in this matter we need to provide a non-discriminatory approach to access to gas transportation infrastructure regardless of the country of origin in order to meet the domestic needs of the member states of the Union,” the acting president of Kyrgyzstan said.
Talant Mamytov noted with satisfaction that the members achieved positive results in the implementation of a common foreign trade policy of the Union, the basis of which is the customs-tariff and non-tariff regulation, as well as measures to protect the domestic market.
He also noted one of the main principles of the Union – the freedom of movement of labor, which is currently not only a social task within the EAEU, but also a challenge for all mankind.
“During the time of the Kyrgyz Republic’s participation in the Union much has been done to improve workers’ rights.
The Kyrgyz side initiated the issues of social protection and provision of workers in the member states of the Union, as well as their families. The issues of social protection were most acute during the pandemic. In this regard, it is extremely important for us to revisit the issue of extending compulsory health insurance to family members of workers. Today, the situation with the spread of the coronavirus has led to a shortage of labor in the countries of our Union, including due to existing restrictions on movement. The Kyrgyz Republic is ready to discuss and create additional mechanisms of access to the EAEU labor market, taking into account the necessary epidemiological requirements,” he assured.
Talant Mamytov also added the digitalization of the economies of the Union member states, the introduction of modern digital technologies is also becoming a priority today.