AMAN-21 drills & Maritime Challenges

Pakistan Navy is gearing up for its Multinational Maritime Exercise AMAN-21 from 11-16 February 2021. This will be the 7th edition of AMAN exercise being conducted with the slogan of “Together for Peace”. The announcement was made by Commander Pakistan Fleet Rear Admiral Naveed Ashraf day before yesterday. Commander Pakistan Fleet briefly highlighted the importance of the AMAN Exercise, which is being conducted by Pakistan Navy on biennial basis since 2007. The exercise has significant importance in regional peace and stability, determination against terrorism in maritime domain, collaboration to maintain safe and sustainable maritime realm and above all enhance interoperability among participating Naval Forces. According to reports, about 45 countries are participating in the 7th edition of Exercise AMAN. All component of Sea war will be deployed in the exercise including Surface, Sub-Surface, and air weaponry, Special Operation Forces, Marine teams, observers, and senior officers. The AMAN exercise has two major phases include harbour and sea phase. Pakistan Navy has always remained at forefront during the time of needs despite having small size and resources with respect to vast area of responsibility and multidimensional challenges. Pakistan Navy is committed to protect the Sea boundaries of Pakistan, Security of Communication lines of the country, protecting Pakistan’s exclusive economic zone EEZ), Counter-Piracy operations within the area of responsibility, Curbing drug and human trafficking and working for blue economy. Besides these operational activities Pak Navy always come up to help the nation during natural disasters such as earth quacks, flood, pandemic, and other calamities. The construction of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Gwadar Deep Seaport, bring about new challenges for Pakistan Navy. Pakistan Navy has established a dedicated force, Task Force (TF-88), to protect Gwadar Seaport and CPEC Sealines from any terrorist and sabotage activity. Pakistan entirely dependent on Sea route for its trade with other countries, operationalization of CPEC and Country’s strategic position, at global energy route. These factors increased the Pakistan Navy role for safer and free sea routes for national and international trade and Sea travel in the Arabian Seas. The emergence of new threats and change in geo-political situation in the region and beyond, stand up new challenges for Pakistan Navy. Despite out break of Coronavirus pandemic across the globe, Pakistan Navy remained fully engaged in its Operational activities throughout the year 2020. Last year Pakistan Navy, took active part in several bilateral exercise such as Exercise Sea Guardians with Chinese Navy, Ex. Turgutries V-5 and Ex. Mavibalina with Turkish Navy, Ex. White Star with Royal British Navy. It also conducted Regional Maritime Security Patrol and Passages with Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force (JMSDF), British Royal Navy and South Korean Navy during last year.
Pakistan Navy also undertook a multifaceted Exercise Sea Spark, with the active participation of Pakistan Army and PAF.

The Sea domain of modern war fare has become equally important to Air Power and ground combatant force in twenty first century. International waters have attracted much attention in the purview of US-China rivalry on South China and East China Seas in the far East Asia.

Pakistan is an important player in the region. Pakistan Navy has a history of its glorious achievements during Indo-Pakistan wars of 1965 and 1971., Navy is in a process of transformation through acquisition of latest state of the arts warships, submarines and reconnaissance aircrafts. Pakistan has no offensive designs against any country of the world; however, it is fully prepared to thwart any miscalculated move by its eternal enemy India. A highly professional and strong blue Navy is very essential to safeguard the security and economic interests of the country in contemporary world. Pakistan Navy is endeavoring hard to nullify all security threats emerging near Pakistan’s waters at all cost.