Ambassador Nong Rong touched by warm welcome

By Uzma Zafar

Islamabad: China’s new Ambassador to Pakistan His Excellency Nong Rong who arrived in Islamabad over the weekend is reported to be very happy and impressed by the warm welcome by the Pakistan government. Expressing gratitude in this regard, the new Chinese Ambassador said that it was a great honor for him to be Chinese ambassador to Pakistan. He said that China and Pakistan were Iron Brothers and excellent partners with special friendship.
He observed that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) was an important pilot project for the construction of the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’. and after the outbreak of the COVID-19, China and Pakistan carried out close anti-epidemic cooperation, which reflects the true nature of China-Pakistan relations that share weal and woe. Ambassador Nong said that he was looking forward to strengthening all-round exchanges and cooperation with all walks of life in Pakistan during his tenure, promoting the comprehensive and in-depth development of the China-Pakistan all-weather strategic partnership, and jointly building a closer China-Pakistan community of shared future.
Ambassador Nong further expressed that he was having lots of hope and expectations for a successful tenure in Pakistan. As he knew the depth of the relations not only between the two governments but also between the peoples’ of two countries.
He was of the firm opinion that Pakistan and China will emerge as a great symbol of community of shared future. As both Beijing and Islamabad were comprehensively engaged in working for peace, tranquility and people’s welfare and BRI had provided a wonderful platform to achieve these goals.