An economizing culture reflects the true values of Islamization

By Menahill Rashid

Can our politicians as well as bureaucracy reside also in the circumstances of the short expenses? It may be possible in view of the Islamic history and considering it a while, we have numerous certain examples of those who are not Muslims too but proved economizing phenomenon to accelerate their society. All those who adopted the path and principles of Islam picture a specific charming style of life perhaps a number of them have many times concentrated over the philosophy of Islam and preferred and adopted the well methodology with simple ways and seemed well charming.
Spartans and simplicity, when it is presented by the elite class, it will move and motivate the middle and lower class too. Let’s see, Bill gates is the one of the richest man of the world, only 18 countries in the world are ahead of Bill gates and other 192 countries are poor than him, but this person drives his vehicle, washes his utensils himself, he puts up tie once or twice in a year. His office is not larger than the office of the Microsoft clerks. Warren Buffett is the second richest man of the world, he has fifty years old house and a motor of 1980 model. UK President has a house of two bedrooms.
German Chancellor lives in Government Quarter consisting of 1- bedroom and a small drawing room.
PM Israel is also residing in the smallest house of the world. In Pakistan, the government residencies approximately contain 2- thousand, 6- hundred Kanals where expenses over trimming of grassy plot require 18-20 crores. If these Government places get sale, then 70-80 Arb can be achieved and we may build many Hospitals and Education Institutions by means of this amount. Other situations necessary to concentrate over, the citizens of Pakistan who pledge they are patriots and have well passions for the public must pay sacrifice.
After general calculation, round about the salaries of the Provincial, National & Senate members have a total= 35,54,70,00,000/- Its details may be considered as,
Balochistan Assembly members = 65. Salary per member = 125,000; KPK Assembly members = 145, salary per member 150,000;
Sindh Assembly members = 168, salary per member, 175,000; Punjab Assembly members = 371, salary per member, 250,000; National Assembly members = 342, salary per member 300,000; Senate Members = 104, salary per member, 400,000.
Further in-depth details to be read between the lines, 125,000×65×12 = 97,500,000; 150,000×145×12 = 2,61,000,000; 175,000×168×12 = 35,28,00,000; 250,000×371×12 = 1,11,30,00,000; 300,000×342×12 = 1,23,12,00,000; 400,000×104×12 = 4,99,200,000: Salaries per annum total = 35,54,70,00,000/-
It is besides, house rent, vehicle, domestic bills, ticket, foreign country visits and residency.
In above calculation, the salaries and incentives of the Speaker, Deputy speaker, Ministers, Chief Ministers, Governors and PM have not been added. Inclusions of various bounces, this total may be approximately 85- Arbs per annum. People said that, getting the information, is the right of every citizen. If anyone desires to see a change in Pakistan, every Pakistani citizen has also the right to raise his voice to observe the real change with reference to observing the non- Muslim, how they scaled up the individuals of their societies. Our PM has a concrete conscience to scale up the Pakistan economically & educationally, for which our PM hold the office of PM to uplift each and every sector.
Public also says, is there any need of pension to the parliamentarians? whereas they are already considered wealthy and because they are not Government servants but came forward themselves with the true passion of people’s Services. Parliamentarians have any retirement policy in the law ?
Further, the politicians achieve even can further achieve the same status after re-election time and again.
Under the central salary commission, there is need for changing the phenomena for the parliament persons, so that they may work more dedicatedly in the public Interests, which the people have been expecting for the decades. Presently, they cast vote in the assembly easily for increasing their own salary, and can increase their salaries with their own wishes.
Regarding the health facilities, members should also get their treatment like the common citizens watching the situations of common citizens, in this way the phenomena of deprivation in the public will be diminished. All incentives/ concessions may be ended like, free journey, electricity, water, phone, or such incentives concessions should be given to every common citizen of Pakistan. These incentives should be enjoyed not only by themselves, but the majority of the individuals of the society faces many problems whom the parliamentarians have to focus and resolve and give them the same opportunity.
Those members whose past record is not neat and clean, might be dismissed from the assembly and they in next coming terms may not be allowed to contest electoral college, because the patriotic qualities can uplift the country in all respect. The loses caused because of such characters but they sat in the assemblies again and again have not gone through censorship. Censorship might be ensured through the sale of the properties of their families.
All members must be bound to follow all rules and regulations, same way as are implemented to the commons.
Sources declared and stressed that, people cannot get subsidies on gas, electricity and water, so subsidies phenomenon for the Parliamentarians may be same and equal in the new Pakistan. Retirement age for the political figures may also be 60 years limit, and for the politicians, medical test should be mandatory also. If medically they are unfit, no chance may be given to participate in the election. Politics demands nothing except the real services for the citizens with patriotism.
Their educational qualifications should be at least master degree with extraordinary education in religious affairs along with qualifying NTS test, sources added. Their children should get same education through Government Institutions like the ordinary citizen of Pakistan. There should also be no need of appointing extra security guards for political figures because every citizen needs same security and safety. Politicians will have to take all social activities like the social workers. They are already considered wealthy people, because a poor man and educationally highly qualified hardly ever get a chance to contest electoral college because they are unable to bear the expenses over the election. So if our politicians give sacrifice of contributing their salaries in building the social sectors, then our Societal system might be strengthened. If the Government residencies of the bureaucracy are converted into education Institutions and hospitals, the standard of health and education will certainly be improved. Each and every citizen of any status is bound to care about the society and get equal opportunities to get a balanced society.