ANDSF fighting Taliban in 104 Afghan districts

KABUL: The Afghan National Security and Defense Forces (ANDSF) are currently fighting the Taliban in 104 provinces, the Afghan security agencies said, noting a 7 percent increase compared to the same period last year.
Reflecting on the numbers of Taliban attacks across the country, Ahmad Zia Saraj, the head of the Afghan intelligence agency—the National Directorate of Security (NDS)–said that the militant group has launched 3,500 attacks since the start of the year.
Hayatullah Hayat, the acting minister of interior, said that the current war in Afghanistan is part of a propaganda effort of regional players, and stated that the Afghan National Police (ANP) is determined to support the ANA in repelling Taliban attacks. Afghanistan’s Meshrano Jirga—the upper house of Parliament–summoned the heads of Afghanistan’s security agencies to inquire about the security situation in the country.
Senators expressed surprise over the situation in some provincial capitals. “There is a problem in the policy-making, there are management issues and nepotism and political issues facing the country’s security and defense forces which are creating major problems for us,” said Mohammad Alam Ezedyar, the deputy head of the Meshrano Jirga. “The Taliban made their way very easily to the prison in Baghlan, they also reached Helmand and Baghlan–the head of NDS is here, we should have preemptive measures,” said senator Rahmatullah Achakzai.
“Why haven’t you taken these measures before? Why don’t you have a proper plan against the enemies?” asked Senator Mualim Lalagul. “The war has increased during the spring and everyone knows about it, our assessments indicate that there is a seven percent increase in the Taliban’s war,” said Hayatullah Hayat, the acting Minister of Interior. “
Your security and defense forces are very determined and prepared, the enemy has suffered massive casualties and they do not have more strength,” said Ahmad Zia Saraj, the head of NDS.
“Regional intelligence and our enemies are spreading propaganda suggesting that parts here and there in Afghanistan are collapsing; this calculation is totally wrong,” said Hayatullah Hayat. – Agencies