Ankara, UN ink pact to help women, children

ANKARA: Turkey’s capital and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) inked a cooperation protocol to support women, children and young adults. Ankara Mayor Mansur Yavaş and UNFPA Turkey representative Hassan Mohtashami signed the protocol to support health and protection services for women, children and young adults with special needs, a statement by the mayor’s office said.
“The only problem we have is that right now Family Life Centers cannot operate actively due to the (coronavirus) pandemic,” Yavaş said. “We are working to turn Ankara into a city competing with world capitals.”
The Support Center for Women and Young Adults, which will be opened in the Altındağ district, will provide career consultancy, psycho-social support, economic reinforcement support and information regarding social cohesion, while mobile health teams will raise awareness in rural parts of the city. The mobile teams will share information on health issues and also detect people with health risks and guide them to the correct institutions to address their needs. The center will also organize language courses for refugees, choirs and travelers.
Yavaş and Mohtashami said they aim to decrease maternal mortality during childbirth. “We aim for a healthy pregnancy and labor for women.
I hope that we will start with a center in Ankara with this protocol and expand the boundaries and work together to provide services for women and young adults,” Mohtashami said.
“This is the beginning of a three-year-long process. We are proud to be working with you,” he added.
The Project for Supporting Social Cohesion and Participation in Employment for Women and Young Adults will be run with the financial support of the U.K.’s embassy. – Agencies