‘Anti-China drive must end’

BERLIN: Dozens of experts with “direct experience” with China are calling for an end to an anti-China campaign by some Western countries, and urging them to respond to China’s offer of cooperation.
A declaration, which was published on the website of German think tank the International Schiller Institute and jointly signed by the experts from different fields, said the anti-China campaign painted a “dangerous” picture of China which is “simply not true.”
Those experts included think tank presidents, journalists, professors and former diplomats, and some of them have either lived or worked in China, while others have travelled there many times.
They said in the declaration that they have followed how the Chinese society has transformed itself “in an unprecedented way” in recent years.
Hundreds of millions of people in China have been lifted out of poverty thanks to China’s policies that focus on the well-being of its people and their extraordinary hard work, said the experts.
The effective control of the COVID-19 pandemic “has given the Chinese people far more trust in their government and optimism about the future” than in some Western countries, they added.
Stressing that China has a rich culture in various fields such as philosophy, poetry, painting, architecture, and music, these experts said China also knows how to learn from other cultures including the Western culture in its development.
“The success from China’s emphasis on science and technological progress and innovation demonstrates that China is doing well with what we in the West have seemingly forgotten, and we would do better to respond to the offer of cooperation, than seeking confrontation,” said the China experts.
They called for a dialogue of cultures to find solutions to the crises that challenge the entire humanity. –Agencies