Anti-India rally held in Kabul

Kabul: A protest rally was held in Kabul by civil society on Indian atrocities against Indian Muslims.
The protest rally was started from Sher e Naw Park, Kabul city, and was planned to go to Indian Visa Section (Shehr e Naw), Kabul but the participants were not allowed to go there and were stopped.The participants came back in front of Islamic Bank, situated in Sher e Naw Kabul.
The Indian fascist government seems to have been tumbling into further deep trouble as the time passes by as now following the internal strife which has already sparked global concerns over the deteriorating human rights issues in India, the people in Afghanistan have also resorted to protest against India’s anti-Muslim acts, burnt its flag and demanded the Kabul regime to terminate its ties with New Delhi.
Thousands of people staged a protest rally in Afghanistan’s western Herat City on Friday against Muslims’ massacre in Delhi and the Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IOJ&J) by Hindu extremists under the aegis of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led Indian government. The protesters were holding banners and placards denouncing the Muslims’ massacre in India. They were also raising anti-India slogans, shouting ‘Allah O Akbar’, expressing solidarity with oppressed Kashmiris, and stressing upon the Afghan government to end its relations with India.
Since India resorted to scrap the autonomous status of IOJ&J and imposed an indefinite curfew in the valley in August 5 last year followed by the enactment of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC), India has worldwide been denounced over grave human rights violations. Even Iran, with whom India enjoys cordial ties, its Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also slammed the massacre of Muslims in India and Occupied Kashmir by the Hindu supremacist Modi regime, and urged New Delhi to rectify its policies towards Muslims.