Arab League hails progress of talks in Morocco

CAIRO: The Arab League (AL) welcomed on Friday the progress achieved during the dialogue hosted by Morocco to ease the divisions between the Libyan two conflicting parties.
“The ongoing political momentum aimed at converging points of views and building trust between the Libyan parties, reaching a determined understanding and settling the crisis via political means,” the AL said in a statement.
Morocco has provided a platform in the city of Bouznika for talks between the two conflicting parties, the Libyan National Army (LNA) and the parliament on one side, and the Government of National Accord (GNA) on the other side. The talks were concluded on Thursday.
According to the statement, the political talks would put the crisis on the right security and economic path.
The statement highly praised “the efforts exerted by Morocco for facilitating the dialogue which ended by solving some issues related to uniting the Libyan state institutions.”
The statement also called on resuming all efforts brokered by the United Nations for bridging more confidence among the Libyan different segments, maintaining the field cease-fire to reach an integrated national political settlement for the war-torn country.
Libya has been locked in a civil war since the ouster and killing of its former leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.
The situation escalated in 2014, splitting power between two rival governments with warring forces, namely the UN-backed GNA based in the capital Tripoli, and the other in the northeastern city of Tobruk allied with the LNA led by Khalifa Haftar.–Agencies