‘Armenian hostilities destabilizing region’

ISLAMABAD: Leader of the House in Senate Senator Dr. Shehzad Waseem has said that the provocative attack by Armenian forces on Azerbaijani civilian settlements and military positions in Karabakh region was condemnable and it will destabilize the region.
Leader of the House in Senate offered condolences to Azeri nation and the government on loss of precious lives as a result of Armenian attack, said a press release issued here Monday. “I assure them that we fully support Azerbaijan’s right to defend its territorial integrity and people being a sovereign state, as well as its UNSC-recognized stance on Nagorno-Karabakh,” he said.
The international community and the UN must intervene and stop Armenia from resorting to bellicosity, belligerence and escalation that pose a serious threat to regional peace and security, entailing dire ramifications for peace and stability of the entire region, Dr. Shahzad Waseem said.
He also demanded immediate withdrawal of Armenian forces from Nagorno-Karabakh to liberate occupied Azerbaijani lands and to make way for peaceful resolution of the conflict as enshrined in the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.
Earlier, Pakistan on Sunday expressed deep concerns over the deteriorating security situation in Nagorno-Karabakh region and reiterated its support to Azerbaijan’s position on Nagorno-Karabakh.
“The intensive shelling by Armenian forces over the weekend on civilian populations of Azerbaijani villages of Terter, Aghdam, Fizuli and Jabrayil region is reprehensible and most unfortunate,” the Foreign Office spokesperson in a press release said.–Agencies