Arreaza accuses Washington of hypocrisy

CARACAS: Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Jorge Arreaza on Thursday accused U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of hypocrisy after he questioned the legitimacy of upcoming parliamentary elections in Venezuela.
“The nerve of @SecPompeo pretending to question our elections! In his country, the plutocracy of 2 elitist parties rules thanks to an electoral system so fraudulent and racist that yesterday @realdonaldtrump called on supporters to vote for him more than once.
It’s shameless!” Arreaza said via Twitter.
Earlier in the day, Pompeo alleged, also via Twitter, that recent pardons granted opposition leaders in Venezuela so they could run for office were simply a “ploy” by President Nicolas Maduro’s government to make the legislative elections “appear free and fair.”
Elections to renew Venezuela’s National Assembly will be held on Dec. 6, with some 107 parties and political movements eligible to participate.
Several sectors of the opposition have announced they will take part in the elections, but the faction led by hardline opposition leader Juan Guaido has refused, claiming the process is marred by fraud.
The number of deputies that will make up the legislative body has been expanded from 167
to 277.–Agencies