Asif meets PM Abbasi after Trump statement on Pakistan

KARACHI: Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif called on Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, media reported, in what is seen as an important meeting after US President Donald Trump’s statement regarding US aid to Pakistan.

The meeting held a detailed review of the US president’s statement, besides discussing the country’s foreign policy.
Trump earlier tweeted that the United States had foolishly given Pakistan more than $33 billion in aid over the last 15 years.
The US president accused Pakistan of given nothing but lies and deceit, thinking US leaders to be fools. “They give safe havens to the terrorists we hunt in Afghanistan, with little help. No more!”
“We will respond to President Trump’s tweet shortly,” Asif said in a tweet.

Khawaja M. Asif
We will respond to President Trump’s tweet shortly inshallah…Will let the world know the truth..difference between facts & fiction..
The minister said they will let the world know the truth, and the difference between “facts and fiction.”

‘Pakistan has done enough, time for Afghanistan and US to do more’

Trump statement comes days after the Pakistani military officials said that Pakistan has done enough and it was time for Afghanistan and the United States to do more.

Major General Asif Ghafoor, the spokesman for the Pakistani military, stated last week that no organised infrastructure of a terrorist organisation exists in Pakistan.
His statement was in reference to the unfounded talk by the US and Afghanistan on the presence of terrorist bases in Pakistan.
“We have been saying that Pakistan has fought twice an imposed and imported war inside Pakistan. We have sacrificed a lot. We have paid a huge price both in blood and treasure. We have done enough and we cannot do any more for anyone. Whatever we are doing and shall, will only be done for Pakistan,” Ghafoor told a news conference on Dec 28.
The spokesman clarified that the Coalition Support Fund, received from the US, is reimbursement of money spent for operations in support of the coalition for regional peace.
“Had we not supported, al-Qaeda would not have been defeated,” the ISPR chief stated.