‘Attack on Baku to have shattering costs for Armenia’

Tbilisi: Any military attack on Azerbaijan first of all will have disastrous consequences for Armenia itself, Mahir Darziyev, MP of Azerbaijani origin, represented in the Georgian parliament, told media.
Darziyev was commenting on Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s statement about the availability of information that Armenia is preparing for a big war.
“The Armenian people will primarily feel the disastrous consequences of the Armenian government’s attempt,” the MP said.
“Armenia’s desire to conduct large-scale military actions may lead to very hard consequences,” Darziyev said. “Armenia cannot speak with Azerbaijan in the language of arms. Today, Armenia’s military potential is incomparably less than that of Azerbaijan.”
“At the same time, today’s negotiations to resolve the conflict are not yielding any results,” the MP said. “The liberation of own lands by using force within the anti-terrorist operation is Azerbaijan’s sovereign right.”
Noting that today the Armenian government faced with acute economic problems, the MP stressed that Armenia remained outside the grandiose economic projects being implemented by Azerbaijan.
“If Armenia had not pursued an occupation policy against Azerbaijan, it could have taken part in these projects,” Darziyev said. “If this country participated in the projects, the implementation of projects would have been cheaper as they would run directly through Armenia, without skirting it.”
“Today, Armenia has put itself into a dead-end by its policy, and there is only one way out – the withdrawal of its armed forces from the Azerbaijani territories,” the MP added. “This occupation cannot last forever. Today the whole world knows that peace negotiations are not being held, they do not give results due to the destructive position of the occupying country.”
Darziyev added that from time to time Armenia commits provocations.
“During another provocation in the direction of Azerbaijan’s Tovuz district on the state border between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Azerbaijani servicemen became martyrs,” the MP said. “Georgia understands Azerbaijan’s this problem very well. These two countries always support, mutually recognize each other’s territorial integrity.”
“Georgia’s position is that this conflict must be resolved peacefully,” Darziyev said. “Georgia today does not want to be a party to the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.”–Agencies