Australia okays $110m more in aid to Ukraine

CANBERRA: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced another military support package for Ukraine worth $110 million.
Australia will send a further 70 military vehicles to Ukraine, including 28 armoured vehicles.
It will also send artillery ammunition to Ukraine, and provide $10 million to the United Nations to help meet humanitar-ian needs in the country in the wake of Russia’s invasion.
Australia has already supplied Ukraine with support worth more than $650 million, including through providing Bush-master armoured personnel carriers, drones and ammunition.
Mr Albanese denied Australia’s extra support for Ukraine was in response to an aborted mutiny in Russia at the week-end.
He said Australia had offered additional support for Ukraine around every four months. In February, on the anniversary of Russia’s invasion, Australia pledged drone systems worth $33 million.
Ukraine has repeatedly asked Australia to send retired fighter jets and light armoured Hawkei patrol vehicles. Hawkeis, like the Bushmasters, are built in Australia. –Agencies